Did your company rapidly spin up a VPN or remote connection for employees to telework during the COVID-19 pandemic? Maybe you have been using one for a while but have never tested it to make sure it was secure? Working from home is a great option for many companies to continue with ‘business as usual’, but an unsecure remote connection can cost you in the end. Vulnerabilities, services and application flaws, improper configurations or risky end-user behavior can result in loss of data, the ability for your employees to access the information they need to perform their tasks, and ultimately, money.
With iCyberi’s Remote Boundary Assessment services, we can scan your external network and get you results in under a week! We’ll be able to identify existing weaknesses and vulnerabilities, as well as evaluate your organization’s ability to protect its networks, applications, endpoints and users from external attempts to circumvent security controls and gain unauthorized or privileged access to protected assets.
First, we’ll meet with your organization’s key stakeholders to scope the assessment and establish the rules of engagement. Following the scoping meeting, we’ll kick off the assessment and gather the results. Once analyzed, we will provide your stakeholders with a report identifying the gaps found – and if you’d like, we can even help you strengthen your security posture, making the necessary fixes to close the identified holes in your infrastructure.

We can work with your team to close identified gaps and implement compensating security measures in order to reduce your overall risk.